Annual conference for students with the elite freshman leadership groups (Freshman Forum, First Year councils, etc.) Features programming on civic engagement, participatory democracy, soft skills, leadership training, advocacy, community involvement and collaborative opportunities. This conference brings to life what it means to be a leader on campus and in the community.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Event Sponsor: $10,000 (1 sponsorship available)
2 full registrations
3-5 minutes podium time
Large sponsorship sign with logo placed in lobby outside meeting room
Logo and name placed on Freshman Forum conference page of website
Recognition on all pre-meeting materials and registration packets
Name included in event (example: Higher Education Partnership Freshman Forum conference sponsored by)
Name and logo placed in the Partnership Annual Report
Meal Sponsor: $2,000 (1 sponsorship available)
Sponsor sign with logo placed on tables and in front of room
3-5 minutes on program and opportunity to introduce the speaker
Recognition on program and pre-printed material
Recognition in Partnership Annual Report
Name listed on Freshman Forum conference page of website
Educational Program Sponsor: $5,000
Support at this level is utilized to bring speakers and provide enhanced learning materials for student leadership
Sponsor sign with logo placed in conference room
Recognition on program and pre-printed material
Recognition in the Partnership Annual Report
Name listed on STARS conference page of website
Scholarships: $1,500 (Used to help students that qualify with hotel cost)
Recognition on program and pre-printed material
Recognition in the Partnership Annual Report
Name listed on STARS conference page of website
Registration Materials: $1,000 (Registration bags, content and printed materials)
Sign with name placed at registration table
Name will be listed on STARS conference website
Specialty items to place in bags are an excellent way to send your company name home with our guests.